More About Me

Services Available

My top priority is going beyond the expected to deliver an exceptional and fully satisfying one-stop, full-service real estate experience for home buyers and sellers. I will work with you throughout your entire home search or sale process, and assist in finalizing the details.

As a highly trained professional, I will use my technology, marketing, presentation, communication, negotiation and sales tools to help you find the home that matches your criteria.

If you are selling your property, I will ensure it reaches a global audience and is sold quickly for the highest price possible, with the least amount of inconvenience to you.

Because 92% of home shoppers now search for homes on the Internet, the Coldwell Banker system offers unmatched property marketing and technology to generate interest in your property:

  • Our properties are displayed on 725+ websites to 16 million buyers daily.
  • Our global network connects me with 82,000 sales associates at 3,100 offices in 50 countries, who may already be working with your buyer or seller.
  • Just listed/just sold postcards inform potential buyers of your property’s availability.
  • Local newspaper advertising promotes our properties.
  • National brand advertising, including online, television, magazines and special events, attract buyers.
  • Coldwell Banker Global Luxury® showcases luxury properties to affluent buyers.
  • Our rapid response technology enables me to respond to online inquiries quickly.

